Postgraduate training at the University is carried out on the FFT MFSKH, GGF, IF, MMF, FF, Yui, RFF, HF, FE, FTF, FPMK, PI, PSF, CF, FLP, OP 14 branches of science:
01.01.01 - real, complex and functional analysis
01.01.04 - Geometry and topology
01.01.06 - Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory
01.01.07 - Computational Mathematics
01.02.04 - Mechanics of deformable solids
01.02.05 - mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma
01.03.01 - Astrometry and celestial mechanics
01.04.02 - Theoretical Physics
01.04.03 - Radio
01.04.04 - Physical electronics
01.04.05 - Optics
01.04.07 - Condensed matter physics
01.04.08 - Plasma Physics
01.04.10 - Physics of Semiconductors
01.04.11 - Physics of the magnetic phenomena
01.04.14 - Thermophysics and theoretical the heating engineer
01.04.17 - Chemical physics of combustion and explosion, physics extreme states of matter
02.00.01 - Inorganic Chemistry
02.00.02 - Analytical chemistry
02.00.03 - Organic chemistry
02.00.04 - Physical Chemistry
02.00.06 - High-molecular connections
01/03/01 - Radio
01.03.02 - Biophysics
01.03.05 - Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
03.02.01 - Botany
03.02.04 - Zoology
03.02.05 - Entomology
03.02.06 - Ichthyology
03.02.07 - Genetics
03.02.08 - Ecology
03.02.10 - Hydrobiology
02.03.13 - Soil science
03.03.01 - Physiology
05.11.13 - Devices and methods of monitoring of an environment, substances, materials
and products
05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing
05.13.11 - Mathematical and software of computers,
complexes and computer networks
05.13.18 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs
05.13.19 - Methods and systems of information protection, information security
06.03.01 - Wood cultures, selection, seed
07.00.02 - Native history
07.00.03 - World History
07.00.06 - Archaeology
07.00.07 - Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology
07.00.09 - Historiography, a source study and methods of historical research
07.00.10 - History of Science and Technology
08.00.01 - Economic theory
08.00.05 - Economy and management of national economy (by branches and fields of activity, in Vol. H. Regional economy, labor economics)
08.00.10 - Finance, monetary circulation and credit
09.00.01 - Ontology and knowledge theory
09.00.03 - History of Philosophy
09.00.08 - Philosophy of Science and Technology
09.00.11 - Social Philosophy
09.00.13 - Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
10.01.01 - Russian literature
10.02.01 - Russian language
10.02.19 - Language Theory
12.00.02 - Constitutional law; municipal law;
12.00.03 - Civil law; business law; family law; private international law
12.00.05 - Labour law; social security law
12.00.08 - Criminal Law and Criminology; criminally-executive law
12.00.09 - Criminal trial, criminalistics; operatively-search activity
12.00.14 - Administrative law, financial law
12.00.15 - Civil process; arbitration proceedings
13.00.01 - General pedagogics, pedagogics and formation history
13.00.02 - Theory and a training and education (foreign languages)
13.00.04 - The theory and technique of physical training, sports training, improving and adaptive physical training
19.00.01 - General psychology, psychology of personality, history of psychology
19.00.04 - Medical Psychology
19.00.05 - Social Psychology
19.00.13 - Development Psychology
23.00.03 - Political Culture and Ideology
24.00.01 - Theory and History of Culture
24.00.03 - Museology, preservation and restoration of historical and cultural sites
25.00.01 - General and regional geology
25.00.02 - Paleontology
25.00.04 - Volcanology
25.00.05 - Mineralogy, crystallography
25.00.11 - Geology, Prospecting and exploration of solid minerals, Minerageny
25.00.23 - Physical geography and biogeography, geography of soils and geochemistry landscape
25.00.25 - Geomorphology and evolutionary geography
25.00.27 - Hydrology, water resources, hydrochemistry
25.00.29 - Physics of atmosphere and hydrosphere
25.00.30 - Meteorology, climatology, agricultural meteorology
25.00.36 - Geoecology
Scientific specialties, which are taught doctoral students
Admission to doctoral studies
Preparation of doctoral students is carried out on 34 specialties in the MMF, FTF, RFF, FFT FPMK, IF, EF, Yui, HF, FF, PSF, FLP in the following fields of science:
01.02.04 - Mechanics of deformable solids
01.02.05 - mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma
01.03.01 - Astrometry and celestial mechanics
01.04.02 - Theoretical Physics
01.04.03 - Radio
01.04.04 - Physical electronics
01.04.05 - Optics
01.04.07 - Condensed matter physics
01.04.10 - Physics of Semiconductors
01.04.11 - Physics of the magnetic phenomena
01.04.14 - Thermophysics and theoretical the heating engineer
01.04.17 - Chemical physics of combustion and explosion, physics ektrimalnyh states of matter
02.00.04 - Physical Chemistry
03.02.01 - Botany
03.02.04 - Zoology
03.02.05 - Entomology
03.03.01 - Physiology
03.02.07 - Genetics
02.03.13 - Soil science
05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing
05.13.18 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs
07.00.02 - Native history
07.00.03 - World History
07.00.06 - Archaeology
07.00.09 - Historiography, a source study and methods of historical research
08.00.01 - Economic theory
08.00.05 - Economy and management of national economy (in industries and occupations, including regional economics, labor economics)
09.00.01 - Ontology and knowledge theory
09.00.11 - Social Philosophy
10.01.01 - Russian literature
10.02.01 - Russian language
12.00.02 - Constitutional law; municipal law
12.00.03 - Civil law; business law; family law; private international law
12.00.05 - Labour law; social security law;
12.00.08 - Criminal Law and Criminology; criminally-executive law
12.00.09 - Criminal trial, criminalistics; operatively-search activity
12.00.14 - Administrative law, financial law
12.00.15 - Civil process; arbitration proceedings
19.00.05 - Social Psychology
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