graduate school

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Graduate school

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Reception of documents on competition for grants for foreign nationals

For teaching and research program of training of highly qualified personnel TSU 17 establishes grants for foreign graduate students of Tbilisi State University first-year and 1 grant for foreign graduate students of TSU senior courses (except CIS countries).

Acceptance of applications for the competition is carried out to 25 September 2015 inclusive:



Center of the quality of education for all students of Tbilisi State University offers courses to choose to study in the next academic year

Product campus courses will help orient in a variety of educational opportunities University. Enroll at the choice will be from 1 September 2015.

Campus courses - educational project of the Center for Quality of Education TSU, directed at expanding choices of courses and disciplines for students of all levels of education.

Learn more about the campus catalog of courses, please visit the Center for the development of the quality of education:



Fellowship is the main form of training scientific-pedagogical and scientific personnel of the higher school in the system of postgraduate professional education.
Postgraduate studies carried out by full-time and correspondence forms. In graduate school on a competitive basis for the citizens of the Russian Federation, with higher professional education and creative achievements in scientific research.

Citizens of other states are accepted in postgraduate higher education institutions and research organizations on the basis of international treaties and agreements, as well as direct contacts with foreign enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Persons who have already passed a full course of study in graduate school or have completed post-graduate studies, have no right to secondary education in graduate school:



Documents acceptance to graduate school is held annually in the period
from 01 May until 1 September

Entrance exams
from 01 September to 1 October.

Applicants to graduate school are interviewed with the prospective supervisor, who reports the results of the interview in the selection committee.

Applicants to graduate school involved in the admission tests for:

special discipline in the amount of the current program for the specialist or master;
foreign language (English, German, French)
Retake entrance test is not allowed. Rented graduate admission tests are valid for the calendar year.

Persons who have passed wholly or partially candidate exams for admission to postgraduate studies are exempt from the relevant entrance tests, except for the history and philosophy of science.
Persons admitted to the entrance exams to graduate school provided additional paid leave at the rate of 10 days to 1 exam with pay for preparation and entrance exams.
Persons entering graduate school admission quotas in excess may be credited for a fee. Cost of training in postgraduate 41800 rubles. a year in absentia 28200 rubles. in year:



Postgraduate training at the University is carried out on the FFT MFSKH, GGF, IF, MMF, FF, Yui, RFF, HF, FE, FTF, FPMK, PI, PSF, CF, FLP, OP 14 branches of science:
01.01.01 - real, complex and functional analysis
01.01.04 - Geometry and topology
01.01.06 - Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory
01.01.07 - Computational Mathematics
01.02.04 - Mechanics of deformable solids
01.02.05 - mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma
01.03.01 - Astrometry and celestial mechanics
01.04.02 - Theoretical Physics
01.04.03 - Radio
01.04.04 - Physical electronics
01.04.05 - Optics
01.04.07 - Condensed matter physics
01.04.08 - Plasma Physics
01.04.10 - Physics of Semiconductors
01.04.11 - Physics of the magnetic phenomena
01.04.14 - Thermophysics and theoretical the heating engineer
01.04.17 - Chemical physics of combustion and explosion, physics extreme states of matter
02.00.01 - Inorganic Chemistry
02.00.02 - Analytical chemistry
02.00.03 - Organic chemistry
02.00.04 - Physical Chemistry
02.00.06 - High-molecular connections
01/03/01 - Radio
01.03.02 - Biophysics
01.03.05 - Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
03.02.01 - Botany
03.02.04 - Zoology
03.02.05 - Entomology
03.02.06 - Ichthyology
03.02.07 - Genetics
03.02.08 - Ecology
03.02.10 - Hydrobiology
02.03.13 - Soil science
03.03.01 - Physiology
05.11.13 - Devices and methods of monitoring of an environment, substances, materials
and products
05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing
05.13.11 - Mathematical and software of computers,
complexes and computer networks
05.13.18 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs
05.13.19 - Methods and systems of information protection, information security
06.03.01 - Wood cultures, selection, seed
07.00.02 - Native history
07.00.03 - World History
07.00.06 - Archaeology
07.00.07 - Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology
07.00.09 - Historiography, a source study and methods of historical research
07.00.10 - History of Science and Technology
08.00.01 - Economic theory
08.00.05 - Economy and management of national economy (by branches and fields of activity, in Vol. H. Regional economy, labor economics)
08.00.10 - Finance, monetary circulation and credit
09.00.01 - Ontology and knowledge theory
09.00.03 - History of Philosophy
09.00.08 - Philosophy of Science and Technology
09.00.11 - Social Philosophy
09.00.13 - Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
10.01.01 - Russian literature
10.02.01 - Russian language
10.02.19 - Language Theory
12.00.02 - Constitutional law; municipal law;
12.00.03 - Civil law; business law; family law; private international law
12.00.05 - Labour law; social security law
12.00.08 - Criminal Law and Criminology; criminally-executive law
12.00.09 - Criminal trial, criminalistics; operatively-search activity
12.00.14 - Administrative law, financial law
12.00.15 - Civil process; arbitration proceedings
13.00.01 - General pedagogics, pedagogics and formation history
13.00.02 - Theory and a training and education (foreign languages)
13.00.04 - The theory and technique of physical training, sports training, improving and adaptive physical training
19.00.01 - General psychology, psychology of personality, history of psychology
19.00.04 - Medical Psychology
19.00.05 - Social Psychology
19.00.13 - Development Psychology
23.00.03 - Political Culture and Ideology
24.00.01 - Theory and History of Culture
24.00.03 - Museology, preservation and restoration of historical and cultural sites
25.00.01 - General and regional geology
25.00.02 - Paleontology
25.00.04 - Volcanology
25.00.05 - Mineralogy, crystallography
25.00.11 - Geology, Prospecting and exploration of solid minerals, Minerageny
25.00.23 - Physical geography and biogeography, geography of soils and geochemistry landscape
25.00.25 - Geomorphology and evolutionary geography
25.00.27 - Hydrology, water resources, hydrochemistry
25.00.29 - Physics of atmosphere and hydrosphere
25.00.30 - Meteorology, climatology, agricultural meteorology
25.00.36 - Geoecology

Scientific specialties, which are taught doctoral students

Admission to doctoral studies
Preparation of doctoral students is carried out on 34 specialties in the MMF, FTF, RFF, FFT FPMK, IF, EF, Yui, HF, FF, PSF, FLP in the following fields of science:
01.02.04 - Mechanics of deformable solids
01.02.05 - mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma
01.03.01 - Astrometry and celestial mechanics
01.04.02 - Theoretical Physics
01.04.03 - Radio
01.04.04 - Physical electronics
01.04.05 - Optics
01.04.07 - Condensed matter physics
01.04.10 - Physics of Semiconductors
01.04.11 - Physics of the magnetic phenomena
01.04.14 - Thermophysics and theoretical the heating engineer
01.04.17 - Chemical physics of combustion and explosion, physics ektrimalnyh states of matter
02.00.04 - Physical Chemistry
03.02.01 - Botany
03.02.04 - Zoology
03.02.05 - Entomology
03.03.01 - Physiology
03.02.07 - Genetics
02.03.13 - Soil science
05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing
05.13.18 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs
07.00.02 - Native history
07.00.03 - World History
07.00.06 - Archaeology
07.00.09 - Historiography, a source study and methods of historical research
08.00.01 - Economic theory
08.00.05 - Economy and management of national economy (in industries and occupations, including regional economics, labor economics)
09.00.01 - Ontology and knowledge theory
09.00.11 - Social Philosophy
10.01.01 - Russian literature
10.02.01 - Russian language
12.00.02 - Constitutional law; municipal law
12.00.03 - Civil law; business law; family law; private international law
12.00.05 - Labour law; social security law;
12.00.08 - Criminal Law and Criminology; criminally-executive law
12.00.09 - Criminal trial, criminalistics; operatively-search activity
12.00.14 - Administrative law, financial law
12.00.15 - Civil process; arbitration proceedings
19.00.05 - Social Psychology

Read more:



Freshman Checklist

Individual Plan
Enrollment in graduate school are required to complete and approve the Scientific Council of the Faculty 2 copies of an individual plan, and within 2 months pass 1 copy. Department of postgraduate study, 2nd left at the department (forms in the department of postgraduate study).
Post-graduate students of full-time training should come to the accounting department of TSU (116 cab. Main building) with a personal account and a copy of the passport for the purpose grants.
Graduate students are assigned a scholarship for one year only, then pass the certification, the results of which are appointed by the scholarship next year. Verification lists are on the table in the hallway graduate department in the public domain.
Military registration
Post-graduate students of full-time training to be recruited into the ranks of the SA, have to get up for military service in the 310 CC. 2nd academic building, having a diploma, certificate, registration certificate or military ID.
Trade union registration
Graduate students full-time students have to get up in the account of a trade union in the trade union committee of employees (cab. 23 Culture Center TSU):



Specialty graduate

Real, complex and functional analysis
Code: 01.01.01
Geometry and Topology
Code: 01.01.04
Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory
Code: 01.01.06
Fracture Mechanics
Code: 01.02.04
Plasma Physics
Code: 01.04.08
Physics of the magnetic phenomena
Code: 01.04.11
Thermophysics and theoretical the heating engineer
Code: 01.04.14
Inorganic chemistry
Code: 02.00.01
Analytical chemistry
Code: 02.00.02
Organic chemistry
Code: 02.00.03
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Code: 01.03.05
Code: 03.02.06
Code: 03.02.07
Code: 03.02.10
Mathematical and software of computers, complexes and computer networks
Code: 05.13.11
Methods and systems of information protection, information security
Code: 05.13.19
Wood cultures, selection, seed
Code: 06.03.01
Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology
Code: 07.00.07
The history of science and technology
Code: 07.00.10
Finance, monetary circulation and credit
Code: 08.00.10
History of Philosophy
Code: 09.00.03
Philosophy of Science and Technology
Code: 09.00.08
Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
Code: 09.00.13
Language Theory
Code: 10.02.19
Constitutional law; municipal law
Code: 12.00.02
Financial right; tax law; budget law
Code: 12.00.04
Forensics; forensic activities; operatively - search activity
Code: 12.00.12
General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education
Code: 13.00.01
Theory and a training and education technique (on areas and educational levels)
Code: 13.00.02
The theory and technique of physical training, sports training, improving and adaptive physical training
Code: 13.00.04
General psychology, psychology of personality, history of psychology
Code: 19.00.01
Code: 19.00.04
Development Psychology
Code: 19.00.13
Political culture and ideology
Code: 23.00.03
Theory and history of culture
Code: 24.00.01
Museology, preservation and restoration of historical and cultural sites
Code: 24.00.03
General and regional geology
Code: 25.00.01
Code: 25.00.02
Code: 25.00.04
Mineralogy, crystallography
Code: 25.00.05
Geology, searches and investigation of firm minerals Minerageny
Code: 25.00.11
Physical geography and biogeography, geography of soils and geochemistry landscape
Code: 25.00.23
Geomorphology and evolutionary geography
Code: 25.00.25
Hydrology, water resources, hydrochemistry
Code: 25.00.27
Physics of atmosphere and hydrosphere
Code: 25.00.29
Meteorology, climatology, agricultural meteorology
Code: 25.00.30
Geoecology (by industry)
Code: 25.00.36



5 books on the history of science

What to read about scientific discoveries and life of the academic community, he recommends the candidate of historical sciences Marina Sorokina:

1. Keram K. Gods, tombs, scientists

2. Academy of Sciences in the decisions of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (B) -VKP (b) - the Communist Party, 1922-1991 / 1922-1952. Comp. Esakov VD

3. Vernadsky Blogs

4. Kremenets NL in search of a cure for cancer. Case "KR"

5. Sirotkina IE Classics and psychiatrists. Psychiatry in the Russian culture of the end XIX-XX centuries:



International contest of young scientists BRICS

The contest is held Ministry of Education and Science and the National Committee for the study of the BRICS.

The competition is held in three categories:
"The role and place of the BRICS in the system of international security"
"BRICS and the global financial and economic architecture"
"The humanitarian and inter-civilizational cooperation within BRICS"

Winners are awarded a certificate and a cash prize:



Representatives of Tbilisi State University will receive grants to study in the best universities of the world

Today, many talented and ambitious young people received basic education in Russia, seeking to continue their education abroad. The state contributes to this: in June 2014 the Russian government approved the program "Global Education". It is aimed at social support of citizens yourself enrolled in one of the leading foreign universities.
The competition also involved the students, graduate students and faculty members TSU:


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